Outbound Lunar Transfer Orbit for Apollo 11 and proton flux in Van Allen Belt.

Wise mission planning allowed to sum lunar orbit inclination, earth axis inclination and magnetic pole shift effectively. Thanks to this majority of dangerous inner VAB (Van Allen Belt) was bypassed.


Dash length for Lunar Transfer Orbit is equal to 1 minute of flight time. VAB orientation is displayed for the time when spacecraft passes it (close to TLI time). Moon position is displayed for the time of arrival to the moon.

Fluxes of protons with energies ≥100 Mev are displayed. Only this high energy protons can penetrate Apollo CSM cabine. Fluxes data was taken from AP8MIN. AP8MAX should actually be used instead (solar maximum), but AP8MIN graphic is simple to use and fluxes must be higher in AP8MIN.

Chrome is the preferred browser, but other browsers with WebGL can also work.

Thanks to:

Apollo and the Van Allen Belts an estimate of the radiation dose received
AP8 Trapped Proton Environment for Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum

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